Thank you to all those who attended our NDT Golf Day on 16th June, 2023 at The Belfry! It was a successful, sunny day of golfing and networking! This golf day was in partnership with GB Inspection Systems Ltd, and we want to say a huge thank you for their joint sponsorship to make this day happen.

Players enjoyed the sunny weather on The Derby course. The day also featured breakfast, lunch, speeches, and a prize giving ceremony.

Congratulations to Dan Wells, who won 1st prize and The Dave Lavender Trophy, in memory of Dave Lavender.

Congratulations also go to:

  • 2nd prize Graham Buswell
  • 3rd prize Reece Samson
  • Longest Drive- Reece Samson
  • Nearest the pin prizes- Steve Ince, Mohammed Iqbal, Neil Smith, Reece Samson

It was a fantastic opportunity to forge connections and future partnerships. Thank you to everyone involved and we look forward to seeing you all at the next golf event.

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