\(\large \textsf {Everything you need to know about application forms}\)
We have put together a guide to assist with any questions or issues you have with the application forms and work experience PSL 30, please refer to this before submitting your forms back to us. Please see the different tabs along the top of this page for more information.
Failure to fill in the fields of these forms may result in you/or the candidate not being eligible for the exam or for their work experience to be rejected.
\(\large \textsf {What is included in your Joining Instruction documents from us?}\)
Require filling in and sending back to us:
- Application form (either PSL 57A or PSL 57B or PSL 57WIA depending on your exam type)
- PSL 30 for your work experience
- CP27 Code of Ethics
- PSL 44 vision requirements
- Booking Feedback form
For your information:
- Confirmation of your booking (JI document)
- Student letter
CP27 – Code of Ethics this is attached to your application pack, this needs signing, dating and returning to us with your application pack and PSL 30.
Please return all of the above documents completed in full to tracey@lavender-ndt.com no later than 1 week before your course start date.
\(\large \textsf {PSL 57WIA}\)
For a Welding Inspector course you will be sent a PSL 57WIA which is slightly different to a PSL 57A/B.
Failure to fill in the fields of these forms may result in you/or the candidate not being eligible for the exam or for their work experience to be rejected.
Please fill out a PSL 30 as well, this is a mandatory requirement for Weld Inspector.
Part 1 – Candidates personal details
Please ensure all fields are filled in with correct and up to date information.
Part 2 – Current employment details
Part 3 – Examination applied for
Part 4 – Pre-certification training
Part 5 – Experience
Provide a brief description of the nature and duration of your employment as a weld inspector. Please fill out a PSL 30 as well, this is a mandatory requirement for Weld Inspector.
Part 6 – Candidates statement confirming eligibility for examination
- This section is to show you understand the requirements for the certification and all information you have supplied is correct.
- It also details documents you need to attach to your application and a few things you need to bring with you to the training school.
Part 7 – Verification of candidates statement by the sponsor, employer or, if the candidate is self sponsored, a referee.
Part 8 – Payment
- Please put a line through this section and speak to the training school.