Main Apprenticeship Provider

We are proud to be a Main Provider for NDT Apprenticeships and can directly deliver Level 2 NDT Operator and Level 3 NDT Engineering Technician Apprenticeship programmes. We have built an exceptional reputation over the last 46 years for providing an outstanding service, high quality teaching and adopting a flexible approach to accommodate specific employer needs. We are looking forward to bringing this expertise to our Apprenticeship delivery.

As a long-established provider of NDT training, examinations, and consultancy services, we are in a prime position to offer the next generation of NDT Technicians a new career route into the industry. For the last 5 years, we have been an integral partner in the delivery of apprenticeship programmes with over 120 apprentices trained by industry experts in their chosen NDT method.

Our team of 27 industry certified trainers are on hand to provide support and guidance throughout the apprenticeship journey. We offer a blend of bespoke training and support at the workplace, remote online learning options, as well as hands-on practical tuition at our purpose-built training facilities.

“We have recognised the national skills gap in the NDT sector which we would like to bridge: there is a huge demand for technicians, with very few individuals entering the industry to meet this need. Our aim is to boost the industry with highly trained professionals across the board.”

Nicola Dodsley, Operations Director of Lavender International

Whether you are starting out in the Non-Destructive Testing industry, changing careers, or looking to upskill in your current role, our structured apprenticeship programme will help you develop the skills and knowledge that apply to multiple engineering sectors. Additionally, our programme can help you gain internationally recognised certification to advance your career even further.

Enrol anytime!

Start your apprenticeship journey with us today.

Level 2 NDT Operator Apprenticeship

The Level 2 NDT Operator Apprenticeship takes around 14 – 18 months to complete and includes one NDT method of your choice at Level 2 (PCN or EN4179).

An NDT Operator will work as part of an inspection team, undertaking NDT methods to pre-defined NDT work instructions and reporting their findings through quality management processes.

The apprenticeship standard focuses on Quality Assurance, Health and Safety, Project Management and Leadership as well as providing the apprentice with the following skills:

  • Ability to apply inspection techniques in one method
  • Health and safety competencies to the relevant NDT methods
  • Working within limitation of standard tests and measurements as well as in accordance with written work instructions
  • Recording inspection findings and present results to NDT Technicians and Operators
  • Operating equipment within its capabilities and limitations

Initial Assessment and Enrolment

Our delivery team is committed to ensuring that our apprentices are well-equipped to thrive in their chosen discipline. Prior to enrolment, we conduct assessments to evaluate your prior learning and experience to determine eligibility for our programme.

Ideally apprentices should have a minimum of two GCSEs at grade 4 (or equivalent) including English and Maths. Apprentices who hold Level 1 Maths and/or English will need to achieve their Level 2 Maths and/or English Functional Skills within the first 6 months of the apprenticeship programme. Apprentices who are below Level 1 in Maths and/or English will need to achieve their Level 1 Maths and/or English Functional Skills within the first 6 months of the apprenticeship programme and then continue to study to Level 2.

All apprentices must satisfy the industry minimum vision requirement and will have to undergo a visual acuity and colour perception test.

Apprenticeship Delivery

  • A tailored training programme will be created to suit employers’ and apprentices individual needs, providing the apprentices with the knowledge, skills and NDT method relevant to the workplace.
  • Our flexible delivery model will include work based training and mentoring, online learning, tutorials, seminars, Maths and English teaching and assessments, Health & Safety training, remote support, practical work experience sessions and off-site training at our training facilities in Rotherham and Sheffield.
  • Every Apprentice will be allocated a dedicated training mentor who visits the workplace monthly. They will support the apprentice with learning and skills development, project choice, presentation and preparation for the end point assessment as well as offering guidance throughout.
  • Networking opportunities with other apprentices on programme.
  • Apprentices who require additional help with Maths and English will be given support from our dedicated Functional Skills trainer.

NDT Certification

Lavender International will provide the chosen specific NDT Method Training and Examinations when the apprentice is ready to undertake their NDT training. This will take place in one of our dedicated training centres in Rotherham or Sheffield.

The following Level 2 methods are available under this apprenticeship:

  • Magnetic Testing
  • Visual Testing
  • Penetrant Testing
  • Ultrasonic Testing
  • Radiography
  • Eddy Current Testing

End Point Assessments

To successfully complete the NDT Engineering Technician apprenticeship, the apprentice must pass the End Point Assessment. This compromises of an independent assessment consisting of:

Portfolio review of evidence and achievements – This may include records of formal training, log book of experience, employer appraisals and CPD records and progress reports.
Project presentation – The apprentice will have to present their findings from their project to demonstrate the knowledge, skills and behaviours required by the Apprenticeship Standard.
Observational interview – Carried out by a panel of Engineering specialists who will assess the knowledge, skills and behaviours gained during the apprenticeship, health and safety knowledge and testing the portfolio of evidence.

The team will discuss an independent End Point Assessment Organisation with the employer at the initial engagement stage.

For more details on the apprenticeship delivery model, contact

Level 3 NDT Engineering Technician

The Level 3 NDT Engineering Technician Apprenticeship takes around 30 to 36 months to complete and includes three NDT methods of your choice at Level 2 (PCN or EN4179), including at least one complex method.

The role of the NDT Engineering Technician involves supervisory responsibility of NDT Operators. They will oversee, validate and audit inspections of NDT operators and manage projects through to completion.

The apprenticeship standard focuses on Quality Assurance, Health and Safety, Project Management and Leadership, as well as providing the apprentice with the following skills:

  • Managing projects and the co-ordination and supervision of NDT operators
  • Ability to apply inspection techniques in three methods
  • Selecting appropriate methods of inspection and understanding their limitations
  • Conducting inspection audits, evaluating NDT data reports and applying solutions to engineering problems
  • Following written procedures and implementing quality control and assurance of NDT systems

Initial Assessment and Enrolment

Our delivery team is committed to ensuring that our apprentices are well-equipped to thrive in their chosen discipline. Prior to enrolment, we will conduct assessments to evaluate your prior learning and experience to determine eligibility for our programme.

Ideally apprentices should have a minimum of three GCSEs at grade 4 (or equivalent) including English and Maths. Apprentices who hold Level 1 Maths and/or English will need to achieve their Level 2 Maths and/or English Functional Skills within the first 6 months of the apprenticeship programme. Apprentices who are below Level 1 in Maths and/or English will need to achieve their Level 1 Maths and/or English Functional Skills within the first 6 months of the apprenticeship programme and then continue to study and achieve at Level 2 by the end of the first year.

All apprentices must satisfy the minimum vision requirement and will have to undergo a visual acuity and colour perception test.

Apprenticeship Delivery

  • A tailored training programme will be created to suit employers’ and apprentices individual needs, providing the apprentices with the knowledge, skills and NDT method relevant to the workplace.
  • Our flexible delivery model will include work based training and mentoring, online learning, tutorials, seminars, Maths and English teaching and assessments, Health & Safety training, remote support, practical work experience sessions and off-site training at our training facilities in Rotherham and Sheffield.
  • Every Apprentice will be allocated a dedicated training mentor who visits the workplace monthly. They will support the apprentice with teaching, learning and skills development, project choice, presentation, and preparation for the end point assessment as well as offering guidance throughout.
  • Networking opportunities with other apprentices on the programme.
  • Apprentices who require additional help with Maths and English will be given support from our dedicated Functional Skills trainer.

NDT Certification

Lavender International provides the NDT Training and Examinations when the apprentice is ready to undertake their NDT training. For the NDT Engineering Technician Apprenticeship, apprentices will be expected to undertake their first conventional method certification at the end of year 1. The second conventional method will be taken at the end of year 2 and the final advanced method will be taken in year 3.

The following Level 2 methods are available under this apprenticeship:

  • Magnetic Testing
  • Visual Testing
  • Penetrant Testing
  • Ultrasonic Testing
  • Radiography
  • Eddy Current Testing

End Point Assessment

To successfully complete the Apprenticeship, the apprentice must pass the End Point Assessment. This compromises of an independent assessment consisting of:

Portfolio review of evidence and achievements – This may include records of formal training, log book of experience, employer appraisals and CPD records and progress reports.
Project presentation – The apprentice will have to present their findings from their project to demonstrate the knowledge, skills and behaviours required by the Apprenticeship Standard.
Observational interview – Carried out by a panel of Engineering specialists who will assess the knowledge, skills and behaviours gained during the apprenticeship, health and safety knowledge and testing the portfolio of evidence.

The team will discuss an independent End Point Assessment Organisation with the employer at the initial engagement stage.

For more details on the apprenticeship delivery model, contact 

Employer commitment

During the programme it will be the employer’s responsibility to provide the apprentices with the supervised work experience for NDT certification as well as providing the apprentice time to complete the 20% off-the-job training requirement.

An employer must be prepared to provide the apprentice with the opportunity to carry out work and be part of projects which will enable the learner to produce substantial evidence towards their end point assessment.

As an employer you need to agree that you will:

  • Employ apprentice(s) for a minimum of 30 hours per week whether they are new or existing employees.
  • Pay at least the national minimum wage for apprentices.
  • Induct the apprentice and support their off-the-job training by utilising the skills and knowledge that exist in the workforce to deliver to the apprentice new skills that are directly relevant to the apprenticeship standard.
  • Be involved in reviewing the progress of an apprentice. During the enrolment, our delivery team will schedule a progress review every 12 weeks with the employer and apprentice to ensure the successful progression of the apprentice.

This ensures continued and positive progress through the apprenticeship. It will also provide the opportunity to discuss how additional enrichment activities can be incorporated into the programme to develop the learner further.

Apprenticeship incentives information:

Non-Levy employers

Employers who do not contribute to the Apprenticeship Levy will only have to contribute 5% of the overall cost of training and assessing an apprentice. The government will pay the rest of the Apprenticeship cost direct to Lavender International up to the funding band maximum. A payment schedule will be agreed prior to enrolment.

If you employ fewer than 50 employees, the government will pay 100% of the apprenticeship training costs if the apprentice is aged between 16 – 18. Other apprenticeship funding initiatives are available here.

Additional costs may apply dependent on the number of advanced methods selected as part of the apprenticeship programme.

Levy employers

Employers with a wage bill of more than £3 million, pay the Apprenticeship Levy. The government tops up all levy payments by 10%. The funds in your digital account can then be used to access a wide range of Apprenticeship training opportunities.

Once the apprentice is on programme, the funding will be drawn from the employers digital account every month and paid direct to Lavender International. The government tops up all levy payments by 10%. If you want to put more learners on programme than the funds in your digital account you only have to pay 5% of the difference, the government will fund the rest.

Additional costs may apply dependant on the number and type of advanced methods selected as part of the apprenticeship programme.

For more information about funding, contact

Read our full Employer Guide here.

Emergency Contacts
Key emergency contact for Apprentices:
Nicola Dodsley, Operations Director office: 01226 765769 Email:

ESFA Contact Information
Telephone: 0370 2670001


Tel: +44 (0)1604 438300
Fax: +44 (0)1604 438301

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