Product Technology Module

This module can be accessed by apprentices on the NDT Operator and NDT Engineering Technician apprenticeship.

Apprentices must have formerly enrolled on the programme to receive access to the online learning platform. Your tutor will notify the support team who will provide guidance on registration.

Here you can gain access to the Product Technology Module for NDT Operator and NDT Engineering Technician Apprenticeship schemes

This is a general overview of product technology in NDT. All apprentices on both programmes can access this module when your tutor notifies our support team.

This module is designed and structured to complement and assist the apprentices’ practical and onsite training:
• giving learners the foundational support that they need.
• through step-by step modules tailored to the apprentice.

Structured Guidance
The dedicated tutors at Lavender International will oversee and direct access to the online training modules, guide apprentices through their progress:

    1.  Lavender’s NDT Apprenticeship Tutors will regulate the apprentice to a particular module until each topic has been fully grasped.
    2. Once the apprentice is comfortable with the content and has sufficiently passed each end-of-module test, they will be given access to the final module assessment.


To gain access to the module, follow the steps to sign up: 
• Sign up to our NDT Operator Apprenticeship by clicking “book course”.
• Our Apprenticeship department will then provide access to the relevant course content.
• You will then receive a notification to let you know the content is available.

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