We will be there exhibiting, showcasing our courses, services and training at Booth No:A88
Held at the Songdo Convensia, Incheon, the venue has all the necessary elements of a world-class convention destination, including easy accessibility, adequate tourism resources, high-quality hotels and restaurants and the existence of an active support network consisting of both public and private organizations.
Our Electromagnetics NDT Tutor Dr. James M. Watson PhD MInstNDT will also be giving a presentation on “The Growing Popularity of Eddy Current Arrays in Industry”
The aim of the talk is to provide an overview of the various eddy current array technologies and provide real life examples of their deployment within UK industry. It will cover the applications which they are well suited for, as well as those which definitely are not appropriate. As this is an emerging technology, with the inherent conservatism within NDT (e.g. “why would I not use dye penetrant or mag particle that I know works?”) it is important to highlight the uptake in the technology, dispel various myths and common misconceptions about them and generally provide awareness of the technology and the magnitude of its use already.
This plays into the development of the PCN in eddy current array technologies that Tim and I are working on behind scenes with various collaborators. However this specific point may be commercially sensitive and it would be worth checking with Tim before our head start on competition is lost.